I was not there. The pics are on the media wire. USA is waking up soon. They should be out anytime.
Their were atleast 5-6 paps. The paps recognized them from seeing them on my website they said. Lol funny.
6:38 am. As soon as the other lazy blogs and media wake up. Wish I knew they were there in time. My pics would be up.
I was not there. They went to where paps hang out. I was home in bed.
@LiesAngeles When were the pictures taken?
Last night. About 7 hours ago. Katsuya restaurant in Hollywood.
Not my photos this time. I only bring you the information this time.
Never spoken to them. Only their photographer friend from Germany.
Not sure who will run the photos but they are available to all media outlets right now.
No. It's a place where every photo goes and media can see. They then determine if they wanna use it.
The wire is slow..I guess 6-8 hours. Most are asleep.
Your welcome. Night shots suck compared to day shots. Gotta get you day shots now.
Will be pics of Tom And Bill walking down stairs to the Audi.
Most places are sleeping honestly. Might not be online for about 6-8 hours.